Friday, November 18, 2016

Another altered past Paper Pumpkin Kit

I got this idea from one of my customers who is a Paper Pumpkin subscriber.  She showed me a picture of the "What a Gem" diamond boxes that someone had sponged red.  I thought this was a great idea to turn the gems into Christmas ornaments.  I kept some of them as the original white boxes and brayed others using Real Red ink.  It was so easy to do and I love when I can get refills of past kits and use the contents a different way.

Original white with gold diamond box.

Real Red boxes made using my Brayer

It was really easy to take my Sponge Brayer and cover the entire box using Real Red ink.  I wiped the excess ink off with a paper towel and they were good to go.  I filled the boxes with Hershey Chocolate nuggets, tied a piece of Gold Trim through the holes in the top and added my sentiment.  

If you would like to subscribe to Paper Pumpkin, click the link in the upper left hand column of my blog.  You can get still get this kit, and if you are a subscriber you can get refills.  Below I listed the numbers for both the full kit and the refill kit.  You will have a lot of extra supplies left over for another project, which makes it an even better value.

The following current product were used:

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