I was really surprised to receive a wonderful comment on one of my post from SU Demonstrator Kelli Wolfel who passed on the Stylish blogger Award to me. It is so nice to see that others appreciate the work that goes into my blog and I want to thank Kelli for this nice honor. Please visit her very creative blog at
When someone receives this award you are supposed to:
1. Thank the person who gave this award to you and link it back to their blog.
2. Share 8 things about yourself.
3. Pass this award to 8 other individuals that you have recently discovered.
4. Leave a comment so they can pass along the recognition.
So the 8 things I would like to share about myself are:
1. I have been married 33 years to my wonderful husband Rich and we have one son and one daughter.
2. I am a grandmother of two. My wonderful 3 year old Thomas, and beautiful 1 year old Evelyn.
3. I love my job! Being a SU demonstrator allows me to be creative every day, as much as I want, or as little as I want. I am having so much fun!!
4. I love spending time at the beach with family and friends.
5. I am a retired pre-school teacher, and while I miss the time spent teaching little minds, I now enjoy teaching and sharing my SU creations, techniques, and ideas with others.
6. I try to stay in shape by going to the gym, doing yoga, and running, but know that I have to work harder at it than I did in the past.
7. I have the best friends in the world who are always there for me during the good and the bad and they help make my life complete.
8. I have the best family in the world, and without them my life would not be as fulfilled as it is now, and I thank God everyday for these blessings.
Now I would like to pass the Stylish Blogger Award to these following ladies. Please visit their blogs when you get a chance!
Martha at http://stampinmartha.blogspot.com/
Debbie at http://debbiesdesignsblog.blogspot.com/
Frenchie at http://frenchiestamps.com/
Dianne at http://stamperdianne.wordpress.com/
Nicki at http://inkpaperstamp.com/
Becky at http://stampthat.com/blog/
Chrissy at http://love-2-inspire.blogspot.com/
These are just a few of the great blogs I follow, and when you get the time stop on by to check them out.
Eileen, what a pleasant surprise! Thanks so much for the blog award! Off to visit your blog!
Eileen, Wow! Thank you. I am thrilled for you to pass this along to me. It is an honor. I will be checking your blog and others regularly. Thanks again. Nicki
Thank you so much for the award. You out a big smile on my face!
Always France
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