Wednesday, July 24, 2024

Free Shipping day Extended!

Stampin' Up! has decided to extend the free shipping day.  Yesterday, as so many of you might have experienced, the system taking the orders was having some problems, therefore, some of you might not have been able to get an order in.  

Here is the message we got this morning from the home office:

It’s Free Shipping—what a day to encounter worldwide internet issues! While the cause is beyond our control, we want to do what we can to make the overall shopping experience better. We’re extending our Free Shipping promotion through the end of day on 24 July. Unfortunately, the underlying cause remains, so the ordering process may remain slow. Also, we will not have updated promotional materials for you to provide to your customers, but we know you’ll do a great job helping us spread the word. Thank you!

If you have any questions send me an e-mail or leave a comment below.


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