Thursday, January 3, 2019

Occasion Catalog and Sale-a-bration Catalog sales start today!

The sales period for both the Occasions Catalog and Sale-a-bration catalog starts today!  If you are a customer of mine, hopefully you received the copies that I had mailed to you.  If you still didn't receive them let me know and I will be happy to get you another copy.

I will be sharing some videos this week showcasing new products in both of these catalogs, so don't forget to come back for a peek.

Remember, during Sale-a-bration, for every $50 you spend on product in either the Annual or Occasion Catalog, or the Clearance Rack, you get to pick one free product, unless you are selecting one of the 2 products on pages 17-19 in the Sale-a-bration catalog that require $100 in product purchase.

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